The mysterious or magical band, 60 meters (5MHz), is still providing great entertainment and here is the latest newsletter from Joe Pater W8GEX. He mentions, for example, Jarvis N5J: Will be on in August; TY5C Benin is now active on 60m until the 14th; CB0ZW Juan Fernandez: Thanks to Hal W8HC and team for the new one on 60m; and many other snippets.
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Goeiemiddag, sien julle winkel is in Afrikaans. Hou daarvan! Ek is Gerard en ek is ‘n radio amateur ZS5AAC. ek is in Newcastle
Hallo Gerhard! En aangename kennis!
Baie dankie vir jou boodskappie, ek waardeer opreg.
Ja-nee ek dink daar is ‘n sterk behoefte aan winkels wat bereid is om ook hulle goedere in Afrikaans te verskaf.
VY 73 de Leon Uys ZR6N